rebase-helper man page


rebase-helper is a tool which helps package maintainers to rebase their packages to latest upstream versions.

It should be executed from a directory containing spec file, sources and patches (usually cloned dist-git repository).

The new version is specified by SOURCES argument, which can be either version number or filename of the new source archive. Starting with version 0.10.0, this argument can be omitted and the new version determined automatically using one of available versioneers.


version number or filename of the new source archive
-h, --help
show help message and exit
show rebase-helper version and exit
-v, --verbose
be more verbose
--color {always,never,auto}
colorize the output, defaults to auto
--results-dir RESULTS_DIR
directory where rebase-helper output will be stored
-p, --patch-only
only apply patches
-b, --build-only
only build SRPMs and RPMs
--comparepkgs-only COMPAREPKGS_DIR
compare already built packages, COMPAREPKGS_DIR must be a directory with the following structure: <dir_name>/{old,new}/RPM
-c, --continue
continue previously interrupted rebase
--buildtool {copr,rpmbuild,mock}
build tool to use, defaults to mock
--srpm-buildtool {rpmbuild,mock}
SRPM build tool to use, defaults to rpmbuild
--pkgcomparetool {rpmdiff,abipkgdiff,pkgdiff,csmock}
set of tools to use for package comparison, defaults to rpmdiff,abipkgdiff,pkgdiff
--outputtool {text,json}
tool to use for formatting rebase output, defaults to text
--versioneer {cpan,pypi,rubygems,anitya,npmjs}
tool to use for determining latest upstream version
--versioneer-blacklist {cpan,pypi,rubygems,anitya,npmjs}
prevent specified versioneers from being run
--spec-hook-blacklist {RubyHelperHook,PyPIURLFixHook,TypoFixHook}
prevent specified spec hooks from being run
do not interact with user
do not download sources
-w, --keep-workspace
do not remove workspace directory after finishing
disable inapplicable patches in rebased SPEC file
do not build old sources, download latest build from Koji instead
force rebase even if current version is newer than requested version
do not wait for remote builds to finish
--build-tasks OLD_TASK,NEW_TASK
comma-separated remote build task ids
--builder-options BUILDER_OPTIONS
enable arbitrary local builder option(s), enclose BUILDER_OPTIONS in quotes to pass more than one
--srpm-builder-options SRPM_BUILDER_OPTIONS
enable arbitrary local srpm builder option(s), enclose SRPM_BUILDER_OPTIONS in quotes to pass more than one
--changelog-entry CHANGELOG_ENTRY
text to use as changelog entry, can contain RPM macros, which will be expanded
--config-file CONFIG_FILE
path to a configuration file, defaults to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rebase-helper.cfg


This program returns 0 if successful, or non-zero if there was an error.


rpmbuild(8), mock(1), rpmdiff(1), pkgdiff(1), abipkgdiff(1), csmock(1)