Source code for rebasehelper.helpers.koji_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This tool helps you rebase your package to the latest version
# Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Authors: Petr Hráček <>
#          Tomáš Hozza <>
#          Nikola Forró <>
#          František Nečas <>

import logging
import os
import random
import string
import sys
import time

from typing import List, cast

from specfile.utils import NEVRA

from rebasehelper.exceptions import RebaseHelperError
from rebasehelper.helpers.console_helper import ConsoleHelper
from rebasehelper.helpers.download_helper import DownloadHelper
from rebasehelper.logger import CustomLogger

koji_helper_functional: bool
    import koji  # type: ignore
    from koji_cli.lib import TaskWatcher  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    koji_helper_functional = False
    koji_helper_functional = True

logger: CustomLogger = cast(CustomLogger, logging.getLogger(__name__))

[docs] class KojiHelper: functional: bool = koji_helper_functional
[docs] @classmethod def create_session(cls, login=False, profile='koji'): """Creates new Koji session and immediately logs in to a Koji hub. Args: login (bool): Whether to perform a login. profile (str): Koji profile to use. Returns: koji.ClientSession: Newly created session instance. Raises: RebaseHelperError: If login failed. """ config = koji.read_config(profile) session = koji.ClientSession(config['server'], opts=config) if not login: return session try: session.gssapi_login() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise RebaseHelperError('Login failed: {}'.format(str(e))) from e else: return session
[docs] @classmethod def upload_srpm(cls, session, srpm): """Uploads SRPM to a Koji hub. Args: session (koji.ClientSession): Active Koji session instance. srpm (str): Valid path to SRPM. Returns: str: Remote path to the uploaded SRPM. Raises: RebaseHelperError: If upload failed. """ def progress(uploaded, total, chunksize, t1, t2): # pylint: disable=unused-argument DownloadHelper.progress(total, uploaded, upload_start) suffix = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(8)) path = os.path.join('cli-build', str(time.time()), suffix)'Uploading SRPM') try: try: upload_start = time.time() session.uploadWrapper(srpm, path, callback=progress) except koji.GenericError as e: raise RebaseHelperError('Upload failed: {}'.format(str(e))) from e finally: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() return os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(srpm))
[docs] @classmethod def get_task_url(cls, session, task_id): return '/'.join([session.opts['weburl'], 'taskinfo?taskID={}'.format(task_id)])
[docs] @classmethod def display_task_results(cls, tasks): """Prints states of Koji tasks. Args: tasks (list): List of koji.TaskWatcher instances. """ for task in [t for t in tasks if t.level == 0]: state =['state'] task_label = task.str()'State %s (%s)', state, task_label) if state == koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED']:'%s completed successfully', task_label) elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']:'%s failed', task_label) elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['CANCELED']:'%s was canceled', task_label) else: # shouldn't happen'%s has not completed', task_label)
[docs] @classmethod def watch_koji_tasks(cls, session, tasklist): """Waits for Koji tasks to finish and prints their states. Args: session (koji.ClientSession): Active Koji session instance. tasklist (list): List of task IDs. Returns: dict: Dictionary mapping task IDs to their states or None if interrupted. """ if not tasklist: return None sys.stdout.flush() rh_tasks = {} try: tasks = {} for task_id in tasklist: task_id = int(task_id) tasks[task_id] = TaskWatcher(task_id, session, quiet=False) while True: all_done = True for task_id, task in list(tasks.items()): with ConsoleHelper.Capturer(stdout=True) as capturer: changed = task.update() for line in capturer.stdout.split('\n'): if line: info = session.getTaskInfo(task_id) state =['state'] if state == koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']: return {info['id']: state} else: # FIXME: multiple arches if info['arch'] == 'x86_64' or info['arch'] == 'noarch': rh_tasks[info['id']] = state if not task.is_done(): all_done = False else: if changed: # task is done and state just changed cls.display_task_results(list(tasks.values())) if not task.is_success(): rh_tasks = None for child in session.getTaskChildren(task_id): child_id = child['id'] if child_id not in list(tasks.keys()): tasks[child_id] = TaskWatcher(child_id, session, task.level + 1, quiet=False) with ConsoleHelper.Capturer(stdout=True) as capturer: tasks[child_id].update() for line in capturer.stdout.split('\n'): if line: info = session.getTaskInfo(child_id) state =['state'] if state == koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']: return {info['id']: state} else: # FIXME: multiple arches if info['arch'] == 'x86_64' or info['arch'] == 'noarch': rh_tasks[info['id']] = state # If we found new children, go through the list again, # in case they have children also all_done = False if all_done: cls.display_task_results(list(tasks.values())) break sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: rh_tasks = None return rh_tasks
[docs] @classmethod def download_task_results(cls, session, tasklist, destination): """Downloads packages and logs of finished Koji tasks. Args: session (koji.ClientSession): Active Koji session instance. tasklist (list): List of task IDs. destination (str): Path where to download files to. Returns: tuple: List of downloaded RPMs and list of downloaded logs. Raises: DownloadError: If download failed. """ rpms: List[str] = [] logs: List[str] = [] for task_id in tasklist:'Downloading packages and logs for task %s', task_id) task = session.getTaskInfo(task_id, request=True) if task['state'] in [koji.TASK_STATES['FREE'], koji.TASK_STATES['OPEN']]:'Task %s is still running!', task_id) continue elif task['state'] != koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED']:'Task %s did not complete successfully!', task_id) if task['method'] == 'buildArch': tasks = [task] elif task['method'] == 'build': opts = dict(parent=task_id, method='buildArch', decode=True, state=[koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED'], koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']]) tasks = session.listTasks(opts=opts) else:'Task %s is not a build or buildArch task!', task_id) continue for task in tasks: base_path = koji.pathinfo.taskrelpath(task['id']) output = session.listTaskOutput(task['id']) for filename in output: local_path = os.path.join(destination, filename) download = False fn, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == '.rpm': if task['state'] != koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED']: continue if local_path not in rpms: nevra = NEVRA.from_string(fn) # FIXME: multiple arches download = nevra.arch in ['noarch', 'x86_64'] if download: rpms.append(local_path) else: if local_path not in logs: download = True logs.append(local_path) if download:'Downloading file %s', filename) url = '/'.join([session.opts['topurl'], 'work', base_path, filename]) DownloadHelper.download_file(url, local_path) return rpms, logs
[docs] @classmethod def get_latest_build(cls, session, package): """Looks up latest Koji build of a package. Args: session (koji.ClientSession): Active Koji session instance. package (str): Package name. Returns: tuple: Found latest package version and Koji build ID. """ builds = session.getLatestBuilds('rawhide', package=package) if builds: build = builds.pop() return build['version'], build['id'] return None, None
[docs] @classmethod def get_build(cls, session, package, version): """Looks up Koji build of a specific version of a package. Args: session (koji.ClientSession): Active Koji session instance. package (str): Package name. version (str): Package version. Returns: tuple: Found latest package version and Koji build ID. """ builds = session.listTagged('rawhide', inherit=True, package=package) if builds: for build in builds: if build['version'] == version: return build['version'], build['id'] return None, None
[docs] @classmethod def download_build(cls, session, build_id, destination, arches): """Downloads RPMs and logs of a Koji build. Args: session (koji.ClientSession): Active Koji session instance. build_id (str): Koji build ID. destination (str): Path where to download files to. arches (list): List of architectures to be downloaded. Returns: tuple: List of downloaded RPMs and list of downloaded logs. Raises: DownloadError: If download failed. """ build = session.getBuild(build_id) pathinfo = koji.PathInfo(topdir=session.opts['topurl']) rpms: List[str] = [] logs: List[str] = [] os.makedirs(destination, exist_ok=True) for pkg in session.listBuildRPMs(build_id): if pkg['arch'] not in arches: continue rpmpath = pathinfo.rpm(pkg) local_path = os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename(rpmpath)) if local_path not in rpms: url = + '/' + rpmpath DownloadHelper.download_file(url, local_path) rpms.append(local_path) for logfile in session.getBuildLogs(build_id): if logfile['dir'] not in arches: continue local_path = os.path.join(destination, logfile['name']) if local_path not in logs: url = pathinfo.topdir + '/' + logfile['path'] DownloadHelper.download_file(url, local_path) logs.append(local_path) return rpms, logs
[docs] @classmethod def get_old_build_info(cls, package_name, package_version): """Gets old build info from Koji. Args: package_name (str): Package name from specfile. package_version (str): Package version from specfile. Returns: tuple: Koji build id, package version. """ if cls.functional: session = KojiHelper.create_session() koji_version, koji_build_id = KojiHelper.get_build(session, package_name, package_version) if koji_version: return koji_build_id, koji_version else: logger.warning('Unable to find old version Koji build!') return None, None else: logger.warning('Unable to get old version Koji build!') return None, None