Source code for rebasehelper.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This tool helps you to rebase package to the latest version
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# he Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Authors: Petr Hracek <>
#          Tomas Hozza <>

import io
import os
import re
import sys
import fnmatch
import subprocess
import tempfile
import shutil
import rpm
import locale
import time
import random
import string
import gzip
import copr
import pyquery
import hashlib

import git
import six
from six import StringIO
from six.moves import input
from six.moves import urllib
from six.moves import configparser
from distutils.util import strtobool
from pkg_resources import parse_version

from rebasehelper.exceptions import RebaseHelperError
from rebasehelper.logger import logger
from rebasehelper import settings

import colors

    import koji
    from koji_cli.lib import TaskWatcher
except ImportError:
    koji_helper_functional = False
    koji_helper_functional = True

defenc = locale.getpreferredencoding()
defenc = 'utf-8' if defenc == 'ascii' else defenc

[docs]class GitRuntimeError(RuntimeError): """Error indicating problems with Git""" pass
[docs]class GitRebaseError(RuntimeError): """Error indicating problems with Git""" pass
[docs]def get_value_from_kwargs(kwargs, field, source='old'): """ Function returns a part of self.kwargs dictionary :param kwargs: :param source: 'old' or 'new' :param field: like 'patches', 'source' :return: value from dictionary """ return kwargs[source][field]
[docs]class ConsoleHelper(object): """Class for command line interaction with the user.""" use_colors = False
[docs] @classmethod def should_use_colors(cls, conf): """Determine whether ansi colors should be used for CLI output""" if os.environ.get('PY_COLORS') == '1': return True if os.environ.get('PY_COLORS') == '0': return False if conf.color == 'auto': if (not os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) or os.environ.get('TERM') == 'dumb'): return False elif conf.color == 'never': return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def cprint(cls, message, color=None): """ Print colored output if possible :param color: color to be used in the output :param message: string to be printed out """ if (cls.use_colors and color is not None and hasattr(colors, color)): print(getattr(colors, color)(message)) else: print(message)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_message(message, default_yes=True, any_input=False): """ Function for command line messages :param message: prompt string :param default_yes: If the default value is YES :param any_input: if True, return input without checking it first :return: True or False, based on user's input """ if default_yes: choice = '[Y/n]' else: choice = '[y/N]' if any_input: msg = '{0} '.format(message) else: msg = '{0} {1}? '.format(message, choice) while True: user_input = input(msg).lower() if not user_input or any_input: return True if default_yes else False try: user_input = strtobool(user_input) except ValueError: logger.error('You have to type y(es) or n(o).') continue if any_input: return True else: return bool(user_input)
[docs] class Capturer(object): """ContextManager for capturing stdout/stderr""" def __init__(self, stdout=False, stderr=False): self.capture_stdout = stdout self.capture_stderr = stderr self.stdout = None self.stderr = None def __enter__(self): self._stdout_fileno = sys.__stdout__.fileno() # pylint:disable=no-member self._stderr_fileno = sys.__stderr__.fileno() # pylint:disable=no-member self._stdout_tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') if self.capture_stdout else None self._stderr_tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') if self.capture_stderr else None self._stdout_copy = os.fdopen(os.dup(self._stdout_fileno), 'wb') if self.capture_stdout else None self._stderr_copy = os.fdopen(os.dup(self._stderr_fileno), 'wb') if self.capture_stderr else None if self._stdout_tmp: sys.stdout.flush() os.dup2(self._stdout_tmp.fileno(), self._stdout_fileno) if self._stderr_tmp: sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(self._stderr_tmp.fileno(), self._stderr_fileno) return self def __exit__(self, *args): if self._stdout_copy: sys.stdout.flush() os.dup2(self._stdout_copy.fileno(), self._stdout_fileno) if self._stderr_copy: sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(self._stderr_copy.fileno(), self._stderr_fileno) if self._stdout_tmp: self._stdout_tmp.flush(), io.SEEK_SET) self.stdout = if six.PY3: self.stdout = self.stdout.decode(defenc) if self._stderr_tmp: self._stderr_tmp.flush(), io.SEEK_SET) self.stderr = if six.PY3: self.stderr = self.stderr.decode(defenc) if self._stdout_tmp: self._stdout_tmp.close() if self._stderr_tmp: self._stderr_tmp.close() if self._stdout_copy: self._stdout_copy.close() if self._stderr_copy: self._stderr_copy.close()
[docs]class DownloadError(Exception): """Exception indicating that download of a file failed.""" pass
[docs]class DownloadHelper(object): """Class for downloading sources defined in SPEC file"""
[docs] @staticmethod def progress(download_total, downloaded, start_time): """ The function prints download progress and remaining time of the download directly to the standard output. :param download_total: size of the file which is being downloaded :type download_total: int or float :param downloaded: already downloaded size of the file :type downloaded: int or float :param start_time: time in seconds since the epoch from the point when the download started. This is used to calculate the remaining time of the download. :type start_time: float :return: None """ bar_width = 32 infinite_step = 256 * 1024 # move every 256 kilobytes delta = time.time() - start_time def format_time(t): h, rem = divmod(int(t), 3600) m, s = divmod(rem, 60) return '{:0>2d}:{:0>2d}:{:0>2d}'.format(h, m, s) def format_size(s): units = [' ', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T'] i = 0 while s >= 1024.0 and i < len(units) - 1: s /= 1024.0 i += 1 return '{:>7.2F}{}'.format(s, units[i]) if download_total < 0: # infinite progress bar pct = ' ' * 4 pos = int(downloaded / infinite_step) % (bar_width - 5) bar = '[{}<=>{}]'.format(' ' * pos, ' ' * (bar_width - 5 - pos)) ts = ' in {}'.format(format_time(delta)) else: r = float(downloaded) / float(download_total) if download_total else 0.0 pct = '{:>3d}%'.format(int(r * 100)) pos = int(r * (bar_width - 3)) bar = '[{}>{}]'.format('=' * pos, ' ' * (bar_width - 3 - pos)) ts = 'eta {}'.format(format_time(delta / r - delta) if r > 0.0 else ' ' * 7 + '?') size = format_size(downloaded) # no point to log progress, write directly to stdout sys.stdout.write('\r{}{} {} {} '.format(pct, bar, size, ts)) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] @staticmethod def download_file(url, destination_path, timeout=10, blocksize=8192): """ Method for downloading file from HTTP, HTTPS and FTP URL. :param url: URL from which to download the file :param destination_path: path where to store downloaded file :param timeout: timeout in seconds for blocking actions like connecting, etc. :param blocksize: size in Bytes of blocks used for downloading the file and reporting progress :return: None """ try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) file_size = int('Content-Length', -1)) # file exists, check the size if os.path.exists(destination_path): if file_size < 0 or file_size != os.path.getsize(destination_path): logger.debug("The destination file '%s' exists, but sizes don't match! Removing it.", destination_path) os.remove(destination_path) else: logger.debug("The destination file '%s' exists, and the size is correct! Skipping download.", destination_path) return try: with open(destination_path, 'wb') as local_file:'Downloading file from URL %s', url) download_start = time.time() downloaded = 0 # report progress DownloadHelper.progress(file_size, downloaded, download_start) # do the actual download while True: buffer = # no more data to read if not buffer: break downloaded += len(buffer) local_file.write(buffer) # report progress DownloadHelper.progress(file_size, downloaded, download_start) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: os.remove(destination_path) raise e except urllib.error.URLError as e: raise DownloadError(str(e))
[docs]class ProcessHelper(object): """Class for execution subprocess""" DEV_NULL = os.devnull
[docs] @staticmethod def run_subprocess(cmd, input=None, output=None): """ Runs the passed command as a subprocess. :param cmd: command with arguments to be run :param input: file to read the input from. If None, read from STDIN :param output: file to write the output of the command. If None, write to STDOUT :return: exit code of the process """ return ProcessHelper.run_subprocess_cwd(cmd, input=input, output=output)
[docs] @staticmethod def run_subprocess_cwd(cmd, cwd=None, input=None, output=None, shell=False): """ Runs the passed command as a subprocess in different working directory. :param cmd: command with arguments to be run :param cwd: the directory to change the working dir to :param input: file to read the input from. If None, read from STDIN :param output: file to write the output of the command. If None, write to STDOUT :param shell: if to run the command as shell command (default: False) :return: exit code of the process """ return ProcessHelper.run_subprocess_cwd_env(cmd, cwd=cwd, input=input, output=output, shell=shell)
[docs] @staticmethod def run_subprocess_env(cmd, env=None, input=None, output=None, shell=False): """ Runs the passed command as a subprocess with possibly changed ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. :param cmd: command with arguments to be run :param env: dictionary with ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES to define :param input: file to read the input from. If None, read from STDIN :param output: file to write the output of the command. If None, write to STDOUT :param shell: if to run the command as shell command (default: False) :return: exit code of the process """ return ProcessHelper.run_subprocess_cwd_env(cmd, env=env, input=input, output=output, shell=shell)
[docs] @staticmethod def run_subprocess_cwd_env(cmd, cwd=None, env=None, input=None, output=None, shell=False): """ Runs the passed command as a subprocess in different working directory with possibly changed ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. :param cmd: command with arguments to be run :param cwd: the directory to change the working dir to :param env: dictionary with ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES to define :param input: file to read the input from. If None, read from STDIN :param output: file to write the output of the command. If None, write to STDOUT :param shell: if to run the command as shell command (default: False) :return: exit code of the process """ close_out_file = False close_in_file = False logger.debug("cmd=%s, cwd=%s, env=%s, input=%s, output=%s, shell=%s", str(cmd), str(cwd), str(env), str(input), str(output), str(shell)) # write the output to a file/file-like object? try: out_file = open(output, 'wb') except TypeError: out_file = output else: close_out_file = True # read the input from a file/file-like object? try: in_file = open(input, 'r') except TypeError: in_file = input else: close_in_file = True # we need to rewind the file object pointer to the beginning try: except AttributeError: # we don't mind - in_file might be None pass # check if in_file has fileno() method - which is needed for Popen try: in_file.fileno() except: spooled_in_file = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') try: in_data = except AttributeError: spooled_in_file.close() else: spooled_in_file.write(in_data.encode(defenc) if six.PY3 else in_data) in_file = spooled_in_file close_in_file = True # need to change environment variables? if env is not None: local_env = os.environ.copy() local_env.update(env) else: local_env = None if out_file: stdout = subprocess.PIPE else: stdout = None sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=in_file, stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd, env=local_env, shell=shell) if out_file is not None: # read the output for line in sp.stdout: try: out_file.write(line.decode(defenc) if six.PY3 else line) except TypeError: out_file.write(line) # TODO: Need to figure out how to send output to stdout (without logger) and to logger #else: # logger.debug(line.rstrip("\n")) # we need to rewind the file object pointer to the beginning try: except AttributeError: # we don't mind - out_file might be None pass if close_out_file: out_file.close() if close_in_file: in_file.close() sp.wait() logger.debug("subprocess exited with return code %s", six.text_type(sp.returncode)) return sp.returncode
[docs]class PathHelper(object): """Class which finds a file or files in specific directory"""
[docs] @staticmethod def find_first_dir_with_file(top_path, pattern): """ Finds a file that matches the given 'pattern' recursively starting in the 'top_path' directory. If found, returns full path to the directory with first occurrence of the file, otherwise returns None. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top_path): dirs.sort() for f in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern): return os.path.abspath(root) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def find_first_file(top_path, pattern, recursion_level=None): """ Finds a file that matches the given 'pattern' recursively starting in the 'top_path' directory. If found, returns full path to the first occurrence of the file, otherwise returns None. """ for loop, (root, dirs, files) in enumerate(os.walk(top_path)): dirs.sort() for f in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern): return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root), f) if recursion_level is not None: if loop == recursion_level: break return None
[docs] @staticmethod def find_all_files(top_path, pattern): """ Finds a file that matches the given 'pattern' recursively starting in the 'top_path' directory. If found, returns full path to the first occurrence of the file, otherwise returns None. """ files_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top_path): dirs.sort() for f in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern): files_list.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root), f)) return files_list
[docs] @staticmethod def find_all_files_current_dir(top_path, pattern): """ Finds all files that matches the given 'pattern' in the 'top_path' directory. If found, returns fields of all files, otherwise returns None. """ files_list = [] for files in os.listdir(top_path): if fnmatch.fnmatch(files, pattern): files_list.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(top_path), files)) return files_list
[docs] @staticmethod def get_temp_dir(): """Returns a path to new temporary directory.""" return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=settings.REBASE_HELPER_PREFIX)
[docs]class TemporaryEnvironment(object): """ Class representing a temporary environment (directory) that can be used as a workspace. It can be used with with statement. """ TEMPDIR = 'TEMPDIR' def __init__(self, exit_callback=None, **kwargs): self._env = {} self._exit_callback = exit_callback def __enter__(self): self._env[self.TEMPDIR] = PathHelper.get_temp_dir() logger.debug("Created environment in '%s'", self.path()) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # run callback before removing the environment try: self._exit_callback(**self.env()) except TypeError: pass else: logger.debug("Exit callback executed successfully") shutil.rmtree(self.path(), onerror=lambda func, path, excinfo: shutil.rmtree(path)) logger.debug("Destroyed environment in '%s'", self.path()) def __str__(self): return "<TemporaryEnvironment path='%s'>", self.path()
[docs] def path(self): """ Returns path to the temporary environment. :return: abs path to the environment """ return self._env.get(self.TEMPDIR, '')
[docs] def env(self): """ Returns copy of _env dictionary. :return: copy of _env dictionary """ return self._env.copy()
[docs]class RpmHelper(object): """Helper class for doing various tasks with RPM database, packages, ...""" ARCHES = None
[docs] @staticmethod def is_package_installed(pkg_name=None): """ Checks whether package with passed name is installed. :param package_name: package name we want to check for :return: True if installed, False if not installed """ ts = rpm.TransactionSet() mi = ts.dbMatch('provides', pkg_name) return len(mi) > 0
[docs] @staticmethod def all_packages_installed(pkg_names=None): """ Check if all packages in passed list are installed. :param pkg_names: iterable with package named to check for :return: True if all packages are installed, False if at least one package is not installed. """ for pkg in pkg_names: if not RpmHelper.is_package_installed(pkg): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def install_build_dependencies(spec_path=None, assume_yes=False): """ Install all build requires for a package using PolicyKits :param spec_path: absolute path to SPEC file :return: """ cmd = ['dnf', 'builddep', spec_path] if os.geteuid() != 0: logger.warning("Authentication required to install build dependencies using '%s'", ' '.join(cmd)) cmd = ['pkexec'] + cmd if assume_yes: cmd.append('-y') return ProcessHelper.run_subprocess(cmd)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_header_from_rpm(rpm_name): """ Function returns a rpm header from given rpm package for later on analysis :param rpm_name: :return: """ ts = rpm.TransactionSet() # disable signature checking ts.setVSFlags(rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES) h = None with open(rpm_name, "r") as f: h = ts.hdrFromFdno(f) return h
[docs] @staticmethod def get_info_from_rpm(rpm_name, info): """ Method returns a name of the package from RPM file format :param pkg_name: :return: """ h = RpmHelper.get_header_from_rpm(rpm_name) name = h[info].decode(defenc) if six.PY3 else h[info] return name
[docs] @staticmethod def get_arches(): """Get list of all known architectures""" arches = ['aarch64', 'noarch', 'ppc', 'riscv64', 's390', 's390x', 'src', 'x86_64'] macros = MacroHelper.dump() macros = [m for m in macros if m['name'] in ('ix86', 'arm', 'mips', 'sparc', 'alpha', 'power64')] for m in macros: arches.extend(MacroHelper.expand(m['value'], '').split()) return arches
[docs] @classmethod def split_nevra(cls, string): """Splits string into name, epoch, version, release and arch components""" regexps = [ ('NEVRA', re.compile(r'^([^:]+)-(([0-9]+):)?([^-:]+)-(.+)\.([^.]+)$')), ('NEVR', re.compile(r'^([^:]+)-(([0-9]+):)?([^-:]+)-(.+)()$')), ('NA', re.compile(r'^([^:]+)()()()()\.([^.]+)$')), ('N', re.compile(r'^([^:]+)()()()()()$')), ] if not cls.ARCHES: cls.ARCHES = cls.get_arches() for pattern, regexp in regexps: match = regexp.match(string) if not match: continue name = or None epoch = or None if epoch: epoch = int(epoch) version = or None release = or None arch = or None if pattern == 'NEVRA' and arch not in cls.ARCHES: # unknown arch, let's assume it's actually dist continue return dict(name=name, epoch=epoch, version=version, release=release, arch=arch) raise RebaseHelperError('Unable to split string into NEVRA.')
[docs] @classmethod def parse_spec(cls, path): with open(path, 'rb') as orig: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: # remove BuildArch to workaround rpm bug tmp.write(b''.join([l for l in orig.readlines() if not l.startswith(b'BuildArch')])) tmp.flush() return rpm.spec(
[docs]class MacroHelper(object): """Helper class for working with RPM macros """
[docs] @staticmethod def expand(s, default=None): try: return rpm.expandMacro(s) except rpm.error: return default
[docs] @staticmethod def dump(): """ Returns list of all defined macros :return: list of macros """ macro_re = re.compile( r''' ^\s* (?P<level>-?\d+) (?P<used>=|:) [ ] (?P<name>\w+) (?P<options>\(.+?\))? [\t] (?P<value>.*) $ ''', re.VERBOSE) with ConsoleHelper.Capturer(stderr=True) as capturer: rpm.expandMacro('%dump') macros = [] def add_macro(properties): macro = dict(properties) macro['used'] = macro['used'] == '=' macro['level'] = int(macro['level']) if parse_version(rpm.__version__) < parse_version('4.13.90'): # in RPM < 4.13.90 level of some macros is decreased by 1 if macro['level'] == -1: # this could be macro with level -1 or level 0, we can not be sure # so just duplicate the macro for both levels macros.append(macro) macro = dict(macro) macro['level'] = 0 macros.append(macro) elif macro['level'] in (-14, -16): macro['level'] += 1 macros.append(macro) else: macros.append(macro) else: macros.append(macro) for line in capturer.stderr.split('\n'): match = macro_re.match(line) if match: add_macro(match.groupdict()) return macros
[docs] @staticmethod def filter(macros, **kwargs): """ Returns all macros satisfying specified filters :param macros: list of macros to be filtered :param kwargs: filters :return: filtered list of macros """ def _test(macro): return all(macro.get(k[4:]) >= v if k.startswith('min_') else macro.get(k[4:]) <= v if k.startswith('max_') else macro.get(k) == v for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs)) return [m for m in macros if _test(m)]
[docs]class GitHelper(object): """Class which operates with git repositories""" # provide fallback values if system is not configured GIT_USER_NAME = 'rebase-helper' GIT_USER_EMAIL = 'rebase-helper@localhost.local'
[docs] @classmethod def get_user(cls): try: return git.cmd.Git().config('', get=True, stdout_as_string=six.PY3) except git.GitCommandError: logger.warning("Failed to get configured git user name, using '%s'", cls.GIT_USER_NAME) return cls.GIT_USER_NAME
[docs] @classmethod def get_email(cls): try: return git.cmd.Git().config('', get=True, stdout_as_string=six.PY3) except git.GitCommandError: logger.warning("Failed to get configured git user email, using '%s'", cls.GIT_USER_EMAIL) return cls.GIT_USER_EMAIL
[docs] @classmethod def run_mergetool(cls, repo): # we can't use GitPython here, as it doesn't allow # for the command to attach to stdout directly cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(repo.working_tree_dir) ProcessHelper.run_subprocess(['git', 'mergetool']) finally: os.chdir(cwd)
[docs]class KojiHelper(object): functional = koji_helper_functional cert = os.path.expanduser('~/.fedora.cert') ca_cert = os.path.expanduser('~/.fedora-server-ca.cert') koji_web = "" server = "https://%s/kojihub" % koji_web scratch_url = "http://%s/work/" % koji_web baseurl = '' baseurl_pkg = '' @classmethod def _unique_path(cls, prefix): suffix = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(8)]) return '%s/%r.%s' % (prefix, time.time(), suffix)
[docs] @classmethod def session_maker(cls, baseurl=None): if baseurl is None: koji_session = koji.ClientSession(cls.server, {'timeout': 3600}) else: koji_session = koji.ClientSession(baseurl) return koji_session try: koji_session.krb_login() except koji.krbV.Krb5Error: # fall back to login using certificate koji_session.ssl_login(cls.cert, cls.ca_cert, cls.ca_cert) return koji_session
[docs] @classmethod def upload_srpm(cls, session, source): server_dir = cls._unique_path('cli-build') session.uploadWrapper(source, server_dir) return '%s/%s' % (server_dir, os.path.basename(source))
[docs] @classmethod def display_task_results(cls, tasks): """Taken from from koji_cli.lib""" for task in [task for task in tasks.values() if task.level == 0]: state =['state'] task_label = task.str()'State %s (%s)', state, task_label) if state == koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED']:'%s completed successfully', task_label) elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']:'%s failed', task_label) elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['CANCELED']:'%s was canceled', task_label) else: # shouldn't happen'%s has not completed', task_label)
[docs] @classmethod def watch_koji_tasks(cls, session, tasklist): """Taken from from koji_cli.lib""" if not tasklist: return sys.stdout.flush() rh_tasks = {} try: tasks = {} for task_id in tasklist: tasks[task_id] = TaskWatcher(task_id, session, quiet=False) while True: all_done = True for task_id, task in list(tasks.items()): with ConsoleHelper.Capturer(stdout=True) as capturer: changed = task.update() for line in capturer.stdout.split('\n'): if line: info = session.getTaskInfo(task_id) state =['state'] if state == koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']: return {info['id']: state} else: if info['arch'] == 'x86_64' or info['arch'] == 'noarch': rh_tasks[info['id']] = state if not task.is_done(): all_done = False else: if changed: # task is done and state just changed cls.display_task_results(tasks) if not task.is_success(): rh_tasks = None for child in session.getTaskChildren(task_id): child_id = child['id'] if not child_id in list(tasks.keys()): tasks[child_id] = TaskWatcher(child_id, session, task.level + 1, quiet=False) with ConsoleHelper.Capturer(stdout=True) as capturer: tasks[child_id].update() for line in capturer.stdout.split('\n'): if line: info = session.getTaskInfo(child_id) state =['state'] if state == koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']: return {info['id']: state} else: if info['arch'] == 'x86_64' or info['arch'] == 'noarch': rh_tasks[info['id']] = state # If we found new children, go through the list again, # in case they have children also all_done = False if all_done: cls.display_task_results(tasks) break sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: rh_tasks = None return rh_tasks
[docs] @classmethod def download_scratch_build(cls, session, task_list, dir_name): rpms = [] logs = [] for task_id in task_list:'Downloading packages and logs for %s taskID', task_id) task = session.getTaskInfo(task_id) tasks = [task] for task in tasks: base_path = koji.pathinfo.taskrelpath(task_id) output = session.listTaskOutput(task['id']) for filename in output: if filename.endswith('.src.rpm'): continue'Downloading file %s', filename) downloaded_file = os.path.join(dir_name, filename) DownloadHelper.download_file(cls.scratch_url + base_path + '/' + filename, downloaded_file) if filename.endswith('.rpm'): rpms.append(downloaded_file) if filename.endswith('.log'): logs.append(downloaded_file) return rpms, logs
[docs] @classmethod def get_koji_tasks(cls, task_id, dir_name): session = cls.session_maker(baseurl=cls.server) task_id = int(task_id) rpm_list = [] log_list = [] tasks = [] task = session.getTaskInfo(task_id, request=True) if task['state'] in (koji.TASK_STATES['FREE'], koji.TASK_STATES['OPEN']): return None, None elif task['state'] != koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED']:'Task %i did not complete successfully' % task_id) if task['method'] == 'build':'Getting rpms for chilren of task %i: %s', task['id'], koji.taskLabel(task)) # getting rpms from children of task tasks = session.listTasks(opts={'parent': task_id, 'method': 'buildArch', 'state': [koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED'], koji.TASK_STATES['FAILED']], 'decode': True}) elif task['method'] == 'buildArch': tasks = [task] for task in tasks: base_path = koji.pathinfo.taskrelpath(task['id']) output = session.listTaskOutput(task['id']) if output is None: return None for filename in output: download = False full_path_name = os.path.join(dir_name, filename) if filename.endswith('.src.rpm'): continue if filename.endswith('.rpm'): if task['state'] != koji.TASK_STATES['CLOSED']: continue arch = filename.rsplit('.', 3)[2] if full_path_name not in rpm_list: download = arch in ['noarch', 'x86_64'] if download: rpm_list.append(full_path_name) else: if full_path_name not in log_list: log_list.append(full_path_name) download = True if download: DownloadHelper.download_file(cls.baseurl + base_path + '/' + filename, full_path_name) return rpm_list, log_list
[docs] @classmethod def get_latest_build(cls, package): """ Searches for the latest Koji build of a package :param package: package name :return: (latest version, Koji build ID) """ session = cls.session_maker(baseurl=cls.server) builds = session.getLatestBuilds('rawhide', package=package) if builds: return builds[0]['version'], builds[0]['id'] return None, None
[docs] @classmethod def download_build(cls, build_id, destination): """ Downloads all x86_64 RPMs and logs of a Koji build :param build_id: Koji build ID :param destination: target path :return: (list of paths to RPMs, list of paths to logs) """ session = cls.session_maker(baseurl=cls.server) build = session.getBuild(build_id) rpms = session.listRPMs(buildID=build_id) rpm_list = [] log_list = [] for rpm in rpms: if rpm['arch'] not in ['noarch', 'x86_64']: continue for logname in ['build.log', 'root.log', 'state.log']: dest_path = os.path.join(destination, logname) if not dest_path in log_list: url = '/'.join([ cls.baseurl_pkg, build['package_name'], build['version'], build['release'], 'data', 'logs', rpm['arch'], logname]) DownloadHelper.download_file(url, dest_path) log_list.append(dest_path) filename = '.'.join([rpm['nvr'], rpm['arch'], 'rpm']) dest_path = os.path.join(destination, filename) if not dest_path in rpm_list: url = '/'.join([ cls.baseurl_pkg, build['package_name'], build['version'], build['release'], rpm['arch'], filename]) DownloadHelper.download_file(url, dest_path) rpm_list.append(dest_path) return rpm_list, log_list
[docs]class CoprHelper(object):
[docs] @classmethod def get_client(cls): try: client = copr.CoprClient.create_from_file_config() except (copr.client.exceptions.CoprNoConfException, copr.client.exceptions.CoprConfigException): raise RebaseHelperError( 'Missing or invalid copr configuration file') else: return client
[docs] @classmethod def create_project(cls, client, project, chroot, description, instructions): try: try: client.create_project(projectname=project, chroots=[chroot], description=description, instructions=instructions) except TypeError: # username argument is required since python-copr-1.67-1 client.create_project(username=None, projectname=project, chroots=[chroot], description=description, instructions=instructions) except copr.client.exceptions.CoprRequestException: # reuse existing project pass
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, client, project, srpm): try: result = client.create_new_build(projectname=project, pkgs=[srpm]) except copr.client.exceptions.CoprRequestException as e: raise RebaseHelperError('Failed to start copr build: {}'.format(str(e))) else: return result.builds_list[0].build_id
[docs] @classmethod def get_build_url(cls, client, build_id): try: result = client.get_build_details(build_id) except copr.client.exceptions.CoprRequestException as e: raise RebaseHelperError( 'Failed to get copr build details for id {}: {}'.format(build_id, str(e))) else: return '{}/coprs/{}/{}/build/{}/'.format(client.copr_url, client.username, result.project, build_id)
[docs] @classmethod def get_build_status(cls, client, build_id): try: result = client.get_build_details(build_id) except copr.client.exceptions.CoprRequestException as e: raise RebaseHelperError( 'Failed to get copr build details for id {}: {}'.format(build_id, str(e))) else: return result.status
[docs] @classmethod def watch_build(cls, client, build_id): try: while True: status = cls.get_build_status(client, build_id) if not status: return False elif status in ['succeeded', 'skipped']: return True elif status in ['failed', 'canceled', 'unknown']: return False else: time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
[docs] @classmethod def download_build(cls, client, build_id, destination):'Downloading packages and logs for build %d', build_id) try: result = client.get_build_details(build_id) except copr.client.exceptions.CoprRequestException as e: raise RebaseHelperError( 'Failed to get copr build details for {}: {}'.format(build_id, str(e))) rpms = [] logs = [] for _, url in six.iteritems(['results_by_chroot']): url = url if url.endswith('/') else url + '/' d = pyquery.PyQuery(url, opener=lambda x: urllib.request.urlopen(x)) d.make_links_absolute() for a in d('a[href$=\'.rpm\'], a[href$=\'.log.gz\']'): fn = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(a.attrib['href']).path) dest = os.path.join(destination, fn) if fn.endswith('.src.rpm'): # skip source RPM continue DownloadHelper.download_file(a.attrib['href'], dest) if fn.endswith('.rpm'): rpms.append(dest) elif fn.endswith('.log.gz'): extracted = dest.replace('.log.gz', '.log') try: with, 'rb') as archive: with open(extracted, 'wb') as f: f.write( except (IOError, EOFError): raise RebaseHelperError( 'Failed to extract {}'.format(dest)) logs.append(extracted) return rpms, logs
[docs]class FileHelper(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def file_available(filename): if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) != 0: return True else: return False
[docs]class LookasideCacheError(Exception): """Exception indicating a problem accessing lookaside cache""" pass
[docs]class LookasideCacheHelper(object): """Class for downloading files from Fedora/RHEL lookaside cache""" rpkg_config_dir = '/etc/rpkg' @classmethod def _read_config(cls, tool): config = configparser.ConfigParser(), '{}.conf'.format(tool))) return dict(config.items(tool, raw=True)) @classmethod def _read_sources(cls, basepath): line_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<hashtype>[^ ]+?) \((?P<file>[^ )]+?)\) = (?P<hash>[^ ]+?)$') sources = [] path = os.path.join(basepath, 'sources') if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() m = line_re.match(line) if m is not None: d = m.groupdict() else: # fall back to old format of sources file hash, file = line.split() d = dict(hash=hash, file=file, hashtype='md5') d['hashtype'] = d['hashtype'].lower() sources.append(d) return sources @classmethod def _hash(cls, filename, hashtype): try: sum = except ValueError: raise LookasideCacheError('Unsupported hash type \'{}\''.format(hashtype)) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: chunk = while chunk: sum.update(chunk) chunk = return sum.hexdigest() @classmethod def _download_source(cls, tool, url, package, filename, hashtype, hash, target=None): if target is None: target = os.path.basename(filename) if os.path.exists(target): if cls._hash(target, hashtype) == hash: # nothing to do return else: os.unlink(target) if tool == 'fedpkg': url = '{}/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(url, package, filename, hashtype, hash, filename) else: url = '{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(url, package, filename, hash, filename) try: DownloadHelper.download_file(url, target) except DownloadError as e: raise LookasideCacheError(str(e))
[docs] @classmethod def download(cls, tool, basepath, package): try: config = cls._read_config(tool) url = config['lookaside'] except (configparser.Error, KeyError): raise LookasideCacheError('Failed to read rpkg configuration') for source in cls._read_sources(basepath): cls._download_source(tool, url, package, source['file'], source['hashtype'], source['hash'])