Source code for rebasehelper.patcher

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This tool helps you rebase your package to the latest version
# Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Authors: Petr Hráček <>
#          Tomáš Hozza <>
#          Nikola Forró <>
#          František Nečas <>

import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
from typing import List, Optional, cast

import git  # type: ignore
import unidiff  # type: ignore

from rebasehelper.specfile import PatchObject
from rebasehelper.helpers.git_helper import GitHelper
from rebasehelper.helpers.input_helper import InputHelper
from rebasehelper.constants import ENCODING
from rebasehelper.logger import CustomLogger

logger: CustomLogger = cast(CustomLogger, logging.getLogger(__name__))

[docs] class Patcher: """Class for git command used for patching old and new sources""" old_sources: Optional[str] = None new_sources: Optional[str] = None output_data: Optional[str] = None old_repo: Optional[git.Repo] = None new_repo: Optional[git.Repo] = None non_interactive: bool = False patches: List[PatchObject] = []
[docs] @staticmethod def decorate_patch_name(patch_name): return '<<[{0}]>>'.format(patch_name)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_patch_name(cls, message, patch_name): return '{0}\n\n{1}'.format(message, cls.decorate_patch_name(patch_name))
[docs] @classmethod def extract_patch_name(cls, message): for line in message.split('\n'): if line.startswith('<<[') and line.endswith(']>>'): return line[3:-3] return None
[docs] @classmethod def strip_patch_name(cls, diff, patch_name): token = '\n\n{0}'.format(cls.decorate_patch_name(patch_name)).encode(ENCODING) try: idx = diff.index(token) return diff[:idx] + diff[idx + len(token):] except (IndexError, ValueError): return diff
[docs] @classmethod def apply_patch(cls, repo, patch_object): """ Function applies patches to old sources It tries apply patch with am command and if it fails then with command --apply """ def sanitize(patch_filename): diffgit = re.compile(r'diff\s+--git\s+(a/.*)\s+(b/.*)') patch = unidiff.PatchSet.from_filename(patch_filename) for pf in patch: # use paths from "diff --git" line if present if pf.patch_info: for line in pf.patch_info: m = diffgit.match(line) if not m: continue pf.source_file = pf.target_file = # use the shortest path fn = min([pf.source_file, pf.target_file], key=len) pf.source_file = fn pf.target_file = fn tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') tmp.write(str(patch)) tmp.flush() return tmp logger.verbose('Applying patch with git-am') patch_name = patch_object.path patch_strip = patch_object.strip try: commit = repo.head.commit except git.GitCommandError as e: logger.verbose('Applying patch with git-am failed.') logger.debug(str(e)) try: except git.GitCommandError: pass logger.verbose('Applying patch with git-apply') # before trying git-apply, sanitize the paths in the patch with sanitize(patch_name) as sanitized_patch: try: repo.git.apply(, p=patch_strip) except git.GitCommandError: try: repo.git.apply(, p=patch_strip, reject=True, whitespace='fix') except git.GitCommandError as ee: logger.verbose('Applying patch with git-apply failed.') logger.debug(str(ee)) raise repo.git.add(all=True) commit = repo.index.commit(cls.decorate_patch_name(os.path.basename(patch_name)), skip_hooks=True) repo.git.commit(amend=True, m=cls.insert_patch_name(commit.message, os.path.basename(patch_name)))
@classmethod def _git_rebase(cls): """Function performs git rebase between old and new sources""" def compare_commits(a, b): # compare commit diffs disregarding differences in blob hashes attributes = ( 'a_mode', 'b_mode', 'a_rawpath', 'b_rawpath', 'new_file', 'deleted_file', 'raw_rename_from', 'raw_rename_to', 'diff', 'change_type', 'score') diff1 = a.diff(a.parents[0], create_patch=True) diff2 = b.diff(b.parents[0], create_patch=True) if len(diff1) != len(diff2): return False for d1, d2 in zip(diff1, diff2): for attr in attributes: if getattr(d1, attr) != getattr(d2, attr): return False return True # in old_sources do: # 1) git remote add new_sources <path_to_new_sources> # 2) git fetch new_sources # 3) git rebase --onto new_sources/<main_branch> <root_commit_old_sources> <last_commit_old_sources> if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cls.old_sources, '.git', 'rebase-apply')):'git-rebase operation to %s is ongoing...', os.path.basename(cls.new_sources)) upstream = 'new_upstream' upstream_branch = '{}/{}'.format(upstream, cls.new_repo.heads.pop().name) cls.old_repo.create_remote(upstream, url=cls.new_sources).fetch() root_commit = cls.old_repo.git.rev_list('HEAD', max_parents=0) last_commit = cls.old_repo.commit('HEAD') if cls.favor_on_conflict == 'upstream': strategy_option = 'ours' elif cls.favor_on_conflict == 'downstream': strategy_option = 'theirs' else: strategy_option = False try: cls.output_data = cls.old_repo.git.rebase(root_commit, last_commit, strategy_option=strategy_option, onto=upstream_branch, stdout_as_string=True) except git.GitCommandError as e: if e.status == 128: logger.debug(str(e)) raise RuntimeError('git-rebase failed unexpectedly. Please check log files') from e ret_code, cls.output_data = e.status, e.stdout else: ret_code = 0 else:'git-rebase operation continues...') try: cls.output_data = cls.old_repo.git.rebase('--continue', stdout_as_string=True) except git.GitCommandError as e: ret_code = e.status cls.output_data = e.stdout else: ret_code = 0 if cls.output_data: logger.verbose(cls.output_data) patch_dictionary = {} modified_patches = [] inapplicable_patches = [] while ret_code != 0: if not cls.old_repo.index.unmerged_blobs() and not cls.old_repo.index.diff(cls.old_repo.commit()): # empty commit - conflict has been automatically resolved - skip try: cls.output_data = cls.old_repo.git.rebase(skip=True, stdout_as_string=True) except git.GitCommandError as e: if e.status == 128: logger.debug(str(e)) raise RuntimeError('git-rebase failed unexpectedly. Please check log files') from e ret_code, cls.output_data = e.status, e.stdout continue else: break try: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cls.old_sources, '.git', 'rebase-merge')): with open(os.path.join(cls.old_sources, '.git', 'rebase-merge', 'msgnum'), encoding=ENCODING) as f: next_index = int(f.readline()) with open(os.path.join(cls.old_sources, '.git', 'rebase-merge', 'end'), encoding=ENCODING) as f: last_index = int(f.readline()) else: with open(os.path.join(cls.old_sources, '.git', 'rebase-apply', 'next'), encoding=ENCODING) as f: next_index = int(f.readline()) with open(os.path.join(cls.old_sources, '.git', 'rebase-apply', 'last'), encoding=ENCODING) as f: last_index = int(f.readline()) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError) as e: raise RuntimeError('git-rebase failed with unknown reason. Please check log files') from e patch_name = cls.patches[next_index - 1].get_patch_name() inapplicable = False if cls.non_interactive: inapplicable = True else:'Failed to auto-merge patch %s', patch_name) unmerged = cls.old_repo.index.unmerged_blobs() GitHelper.run_mergetool(cls.old_repo) if cls.old_repo.index.unmerged_blobs(): if InputHelper.get_message('There are still unmerged entries. Do you want to skip this patch', default_yes=False): inapplicable = True else: continue if not inapplicable: # check for unresolved conflicts unresolved = [] for file in unmerged: try: with open(os.path.join(cls.old_sources, file), 'rb') as f: if [l for l in f if b'<<<<<<<' in l]: unresolved.append(file) except FileNotFoundError: # skip deleted files continue if unresolved: if InputHelper.get_message('There are still unresolved conflicts. ' 'Do you want to skip this patch', default_yes=False): inapplicable = True else: cls.old_repo.index.reset(paths=unresolved) unresolved.insert(0, '--') cls.old_repo.git.checkout(*unresolved, conflict='diff3') continue if inapplicable: inapplicable_patches.append(patch_name) try: cls.output_data = cls.old_repo.git.rebase(skip=True, stdout_as_string=True) except git.GitCommandError as e: if e.status == 128: logger.debug(str(e)) raise RuntimeError('git-rebase failed unexpectedly. Please check log files') from e ret_code, cls.output_data = e.status, e.stdout continue else: break diff = cls.old_repo.index.diff(cls.old_repo.commit()) if diff: modified_patches.append(patch_name) if next_index < last_index: if not InputHelper.get_message('Do you want to continue with another patch'): raise KeyboardInterrupt try: if diff: cls.output_data = cls.old_repo.git.rebase('--continue', stdout_as_string=True) else: cls.output_data = cls.old_repo.git.rebase(skip=True, stdout_as_string=True) except git.GitCommandError as e: if e.status == 128: logger.debug(str(e)) raise RuntimeError('git-rebase failed unexpectedly. Please check log files') from e ret_code, cls.output_data = e.status, e.stdout else: break original_commits = list(cls.old_repo.iter_commits(rev=cls.old_repo.heads.pop())) commits = list(cls.old_repo.iter_commits()) untouched_patches = [] deleted_patches = [] for patch in cls.patches: patch_name = patch.get_patch_name() original_commit = [c for c in original_commits if cls.extract_patch_name(c.message) == patch_name] commit = [c for c in commits if cls.extract_patch_name(c.message) == patch_name] if original_commit and commit: if patch_name not in modified_patches and compare_commits(original_commit[0], commit[0]): untouched_patches.append(patch_name) else: base_name = os.path.join(cls.kwargs['rebased_sources_dir'], patch_name) if commit[0].summary == cls.decorate_patch_name(patch_name): diff = cls.old_repo.git.diff(commit[0].parents[0], commit[0], stdout_as_string=False) else: diff = cls.old_repo.git.format_patch(commit[0], '-1', stdout=True, no_numbered=True, no_attach=True, stdout_as_string=False) diff = cls.strip_patch_name(diff, patch_name) with open(base_name, 'wb') as f: f.write(diff) f.write(b'\n') if patch_name not in modified_patches: modified_patches.append(patch_name) elif patch_name not in inapplicable_patches: deleted_patches.append(patch_name) if deleted_patches: patch_dictionary['deleted'] = deleted_patches if modified_patches: patch_dictionary['modified'] = modified_patches if inapplicable_patches: patch_dictionary['inapplicable'] = inapplicable_patches if untouched_patches: patch_dictionary['untouched'] = untouched_patches return patch_dictionary
[docs] @classmethod def apply_old_patches(cls, source_dir): """Function applies a patch to a old/new sources""" for patch in cls.patches:"Applying patch '%s' to '%s'", patch.get_patch_name(), os.path.basename(source_dir)) try: cls.apply_patch(cls.old_repo, patch) except git.GitCommandError as e: raise RuntimeError('Failed to patch old sources') from e # update repository state cls.old_repo.git.config('rebasehelper.state', 'PATCHES', local=True)
[docs] @classmethod def init_git(cls, directory): """Function initialize old and new Git repository""" try: # remove any existing submodule configuration os.remove(os.path.join(directory, '.gitmodules')) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: repo = git.Repo(directory) try: state = repo.git.config('rebasehelper.state', get=True, local=True) except git.GitCommandError: del repo # repository not created by us, remove the metadata shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(directory, '.git')) else: return repo, state except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError: pass repo = git.Repo.init(directory) state = 'INIT' repo.git.config('rebasehelper.state', state, local=True) repo.git.config('', GitHelper.get_user(), local=True) repo.git.config('', GitHelper.get_email(), local=True) # prevent git commands from launching an interactive editor repo.git.config('core.editor', 'true', local=True) repo.git.add(all=True) repo.index.commit('Initial commit', skip_hooks=True) return repo, state
[docs] @classmethod def patch(cls, old_dir, new_dir, rest_sources, patches, **kwargs): """ The function can be used for patching one directory against another """ cls.kwargs = kwargs cls.old_sources = old_dir cls.new_sources = new_dir cls.output_data = None cls.rest_sources = rest_sources cls.patches = patches cls.non_interactive = kwargs.get('non_interactive') cls.favor_on_conflict = kwargs.get('favor_on_conflict') cls.old_repo, old_repo_state = cls.init_git(old_dir) if old_repo_state == 'INIT': cls.apply_old_patches(old_dir) cls.new_repo, _ = cls.init_git(new_dir) return cls._git_rebase()